
River City Rounds

Round Dance Club

River City Rounds

Round Dance Club


Experience the joy of round dancing with these videos from River City Rounds!
Each video features a different dance and cuer, showcasing the rhythms and moves of this unique activity.

"Uptown" Phase III Jive
cued by Carolyn Ahart

"The Teddy Bear Song" Phase II Twostep
cued by Pat Hilton

"Attitude of Gratitude" Phase III Rumba
cued by Bob Tevlin

Phase III Jive
cued by Carolyn Ahart

"The Teddy Bear Song"
Phase II Twostep
cued by Pat Hilton

"Attitude of Gratitude"
Phase III Rumba
cued by Bob Tevlin

"Smackwater Jack" Phase III Jive
cued by Jacqui Landau

"Gambling Man" Phase II Twostep
cued by Bob Pyles

"Flim Flam Man" Phase III Foxtrot
cued by Gerry Tevlin

"Smackwater Jack" 
Phase III Jive
cued by Jacqui Landau

"Gambling Man" 
Phase II Twostep
cued by Bob Pyles

"Flim Flam Man" 
Phase III Foxtrot
cued by Gerry Tevlin

Want more? Check out our YouTube channel for even more round dance videos and performances!