
River City Rounds

Round Dance Club

River City Rounds

Round Dance Club

What is Round Dance?

Round Dance (also called Choreographed Ballroom Dance) is similar to ballroom dancing, but with one key difference: the dances are choreographed in advance, and a cuer leads the couples by announcing each figure as they dance.

This allows dancers to focus on enjoying the experience without worrying about what move comes next. Since all the couples are performing the same figures at the same time, it also helps reduce concerns about navigating around others on the dance floor. The couples move together in a circle, creating a seamless flow.

No prior dance experience is needed to get started. Round Dance is a fun and rewarding experience that is sure to enhance your life!


St. Louis Round Dance Council logo
St. Louis Round Dance
Hilton Rounds logo
Hilton Rounds
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St. Louis Round Dance Council logo
St. Louis Round Dance
Hilton Rounds logo
Hilton Rounds
Roundalab logo
ICBDA logo